Hello All,
Well as promised here is my next update on my Christmas kits...I have 1 more older Christmas kit. I will be redoing it with some new updates. If you are in my Yahoo group you may remember this kit. If you have the original....you may delete or save. Hope you enjoy it! Be sure to check back...as I will be updating more of my older kits. If you download...please leave me some love. It's your kind words that keep me creating.
Tagger Size Only!
Kit includes:
5 - Papers (800 X 800 pixels)
Saved in JPEG format....
3 - Frames
2 - Bows
2 - Tags
2 - Buttons
2 - Ribbons w/eyelets
2 - Trees
1 - Label
1 - Leaf Border

Here to download the Kit.....in PSP format.
Here to download the Kit....in PNG format.
Enjoy and have a great day!
~hugs Ziggy